
[hw1] hw/hw .Rmd) [hw2]

Lecture notes

Most notes and slides are available in both HTML and PDF formats. For some lessons R Markdown “fill in the blank” helper notes are also available. To download RMD files, right click and “save as”. Do not open in a browser then save.

Lesson Name HTML PDF Notes
01_intro_slides [HTML] notes 01_intr
01b_async_protocol [HTML] notes 01b_asy
01c_async_protocol [HTML] notes 01c_asy
01e_async_protocol [HTML] notes 01e_asy
02_setup_slides [HTML] notes 02_setu
03_rmd_slides [HTML] notes 03_rmd_
04_r [HTML] notes
04_r [HTML] notes
05_dm [HTML] notes 05_dm.h
06_factors [HTML] notes 06_fact
07_plots [HTML] notes 07_plot
08_dplyr [HTML] notes 08_dply
09_import [HTML] notes 09_impo
10_plots2 [HTML] notes 10_plot