This is the landing page for Introduction to R (MATH 130) class offered at California State University, Chico.
Anyone who wants to do their own data analysis! This is a primer to
get the complete novice up and running with the basic knowledge of how
to use the statistical programming language R for data analysis. Topics
include: R programming basics, importing data, properties of tidy data,
visualizing data, reproducible research with Markdown and basic data
wrangling. Designed to get you up and running with basic knowledge of
and Markdown ASAP. This course is designed as a
pre-requisite for most upper division Statistics, and all Data Science
courses which use R heavily.
See the syllabus for details about the current class offerings.
Last Updated: 02/14/2025
Click each weekly header below to go to the materials for that week.
Lectures 01-04: Introduction to the class, new tools, R Markdown and R.
Lectures 05-06: Learn to manipulate and work with data in R. How to manage factor variables.
Lectures 07-08: Streamline your data processing steps so you can get to making pretty pictures to win friends and influence people.
Lectures 09-10: Interesting data doesn’t live inside R. Lets get data from an external file into R, and learn how to make more complex plots.
Now it’s time to put your new 1337 skillz to the test! You will conduct an exploratory data analysis project.
content was developed by Robin
Donatello and
Lytal and is licensed under a
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.