
  • Schedule updates due to holiday & experience with Ch 4 discussion last week
    • 1 ch/week for the next 4 weeks or so.
    • Reading schedule updates
  • Added more resources to the materials page.
    • Your contributions are very welcome!

Resampling methods really are at the core of modern computational statistics, Bayesian statistics and statistical/machine learning models.

Eg.: I advise a masters student in Ecology who’s thesis is a hierarchical model with random intercepts and slopes on multiple variables. She had to manually implement a bootstrap method to generate confidence intervals for one of her models.

Side note. I have a potential paid research position with a public health researcher that involves hierarchical modeling. See me for details.


  • Remember that bridge exercise we did in week 1? Time for a check in. Let’s come back to that and see what our thoughts and understandings are now.
  • Let’s start to discuss ISLR Ch 5 - resampling methods. Same process, shared discussion on Tuesday with an assignment.


No Class! Cesar Chavez day